Everyday Orthodontics in Asheville, NC

Jaw Surgery in Asheville, NC

Jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, is a corrective procedure that shifts the jaws and teeth for proper alignment. With corrective jaw surgery, patients can improve their lives by being able to speak, bite, and chew properly.

Jaw Surgery in Asheville, NC
Jaw Surgery in Asheville, NC

Why should I choose Jaw Surgery?

Sometimes, orthodontic treatment alone may not be enough to correct the position of your teeth. If this is the case, your dentist or orthodontist may recommend jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery). Jaw surgery can improve the position of your jaws and correct your bite. This improves your smile, function, and can also improve your oral health. Significant bite problems can cause chewing difficulties and can raise your risk of premature tooth wear, sleep apnea, TMJ/TMD, and other issues.

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To keep your oral surgery procedure in line with your budget, our friendly team is here to walk you through your options and find a plan that works for you.

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The Benefits of Jaw Surgery

Improved Smile And Appearance

Jaw surgery is often done alongside braces to improve the position of your teeth and jaws. It can create a more balanced facial appearance, too. For example, if you have an underbite, your jaw may stick out too far. Or if you have an overbite, your chin may not be prominent at all, causing a “sunken” appearance. Jaw surgery can significantly improve your appearance and your self-confidence.

Better Eating, Chewing, And Speaking

Serious jaw alignment problems are more than just cosmetic. They also can make it hard for you to eat and chew properly, and may even affect your speech, since your tongue may not be able to move properly within your mouth. Jaw surgery addresses these issues and allows you to eat, chew, and speak normally.

Prevent Future Dental And Health Problems

Severe jaw problems also affect your oral and overall health. You could have a higher risk of sleep apnea, TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), teeth grinding, premature tooth damage, tooth decay, and more. Jaw surgery reduces your risk of these problems, making it a great investment in your oral health.

Fellowship Trained

Dr. Liz has extensive experience in craniofacial cases, disharmony of the jaw, and how that impacts function and speech. As a fellowship trained specialist, she can provide comprehensive treatment plans to correct jaw disharmony and improve its function so you can get back to smiling boldly.

Intraoral Scanner

Our intraoral scanner uses an array of cameras to create a detailed 3D model of your teeth, gums, and interior of your mouth. These images help us plan your treatment with precision.

Board-Certified Orthodontist

When you visit a board-certified orthodontist, you’re getting the peace of mind knowing that your smile is in the hands of an experienced professional who is dedicated to keeping up with the latest advancements in orthodontics and patient care.

Jaw Surgery: What To Expect

Preparing For Surgery

Orthodontists play a crucial role in evaluating the need for jaw surgery and often refer patients to an oral surgeon. Typically, braces are required for 1-2 years prior to the surgery and remain on during and after the surgery for approximately 6 months to complete the treatment.  

Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgery is done in a hospital under general anesthesia, so you will be completely unconscious. Once you’ve been sedated, your oral surgeon will make cuts into your jaw bone, move them into the correct position, then use plates and screws to hold the jaw bone together as it heals. Everything is done inside the mouth so there are no scars. The process may vary depending on the type of surgery you need.

Aftercare & Recovery

You will usually spend one night in the hospital and go home the next day. However, there will be some food and activity restrictions to ensure your jaw heals properly. Your oral surgeon will send you home with instructions on how to care for your mouth, and you’ll need to come back for follow-ups to check on your healing. It usually takes 6-12 weeks to fully recover.

Did you know?

Most people who get jaw surgery go home the day after the procedure, and can go back to work or school in about 2 weeks.

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How Long Do I Need To Take Off Of Work Or School?

You should plan to take 2 weeks off of work or school after surgery. Most patients can get back to their normal routine within a week, but 2 weeks allows for plenty of recovery time before you have to get back to your day-to-day life.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Jaw Surgery?

Not usually, but your medical insurance may actually cover jaw surgery, instead. Jaw surgery is typically a covered benefit if it’s necessary for treating certain medical problems like jaw deformities that interfere significantly with things like chewing.

You will need to work closely with your orthodontist, oral surgeon, and insurance company to determine whether or not jaw surgery is covered by your insurance plan. We highly recommend consulting with your insurer directly to learn more about your policy and what costs it will cover during treatment.

Do I Need Braces If I Get Jaw Surgery?

Yes. Braces are almost always necessary if you’re getting corrective jaw surgery. Depending on the specifics of your case, they are usually done before your surgery.


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