Everyday Orthodontics in Asheville, NC

Braces in Asheville, NC

Whether you’re dealing with serious alignment issues or just want a straighter more beautiful smile, braces can gradually shift your teeth to create the beams of your dreams.

Braces in Asheville, NC
Braces in Asheville, NC

Why Should I Choose Braces?

Straight teeth are more than just beautiful. Not only does a straight smile make you feel more confident, but it also helps protect your oral health. Crooked teeth and bite problems can contribute to oral health issues, such as a higher risk of cavities, premature wear and tear, and sometimes contribute to TMJ/TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), and more. Braces are a time-tested, cost-effective way to straighten your teeth, improve your bite, and enhance both your appearance and your oral health.

Keeping Care Affordable
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Options For Every Budget

We understand that braces are a big investment. That’s why we offer a variety of flexible solutions to help you finance treatment on your terms.

Call (828) 348-7448 Today

The Benefits of Braces

Affordable Treatment

Braces tend to be the most affordable way to straighten your teeth and improve you bite. Many insurance plans can also cover a portion of the cost, especially for children under the age of 18.

Extremely Versatile

Braces are more versatile and powerful than alternatives. With the right treatment plan, an experienced orthodontist can treat many issues with your teeth and bite.

Prevents Further Oral Health Problems

Misaligned or crooked teeth are harder to clean, which can raise the risk of gum disease or tooth decay. They also may wear down more quickly, and could be more prone to chipping, cracking, or breaking. Misaligned teeth can sometimes be a factor to grinding and jaw pain. With braces, you can often treat and greatly reduce the risks of these problems.

Goodbye, Goopy Impressions

Using our state-of-the-art 3Shape Scanner, your orthodontist can capture a 3D model of your mouth in just 3 minutes or less. This fully digital process means that messy putty is now a thing of the past!

Tooth-Colored Braces

Interested in braces but looking for a less noticeable option? Ceramic braces are made out of a translucent ceramic material that matches the natural color of your teeth. It’s a great way to get all the benefits of traditional braces, without shiny metals or bright colors.

Looking To Discreetly Align Your Smile?

Clear aligners can gradually shift your teeth into the strong, straight smile of your dreams — without anyone noticing. If you’re looking for a metal and bracket-free approach to treatment, talk to your orthodontist about our clear aligner options.

Predictable, Effective Treatment with TADs

For more complex tooth movements, our doctor is expertly trained to use Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) to achieve results that would have previously been deemed impossible. In recent years, TADs have opened the possibilities to treat severe cases with orthodontics alone.

Pre-prosthetic Orthodontics

Getting dental implants or crowns? We've got you! Complex orthodontic treatment involves the use of braces to correct dental and jaw problems in patients who require implants, crowns, and other restorative work. Our goal is that you achieve a functional, healthy, and confident smile.

Fellowship Trained

Dr. Liz is proud to hold a Fellowship for complex craniofacial orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, sleep apnea, TMJ management, and pre-prosthetics treatment. This prestigious title is only awarded to the best of the best after rigorous training and credentialing.

The Braces Treatment Process

Orthodontic Consultation & Braces Placement

To begin your treatment, you’ll come to our office for an orthodontic consultation, and your orthodontist will discuss all of your options for treatment. If braces is the best fit for you, you’ll come back to have your braces placed. This is a completely non-invasive procedure that takes about an hour.

Adjustments & Checkups

Once your braces are attached to your teeth, you’ll need to come back into our office for an adjustment. These are usually done every 6-8 weeks, and take about half an hour. During this appointment, your orthodontist will check on your progress, then adjust your braces to make sure your teeth keep moving toward the proper position.

Braces Removal & Retainers

Most patients wear braces for about 24 months. Once your treatment is over, your orthodontist will remove your braces. Then, they will build a set of retainers for your teeth. Retainers help your teeth maintain the proper position after your braces are removed. You’ll usually wear these at night to make sure your teeth don’t move back to the original position.

Did you know?

More than half of all Americans feel self-conscious about their teeth. If you’re one of them, braces can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How do braces work?

Braces work by applying gradual pressure on the teeth, slowly moving them into the desired alignment. The bone around the teeth adapts as the braces apply pressure over time, which allows the teeth and their roots to adjust. While all cases are unique, it can take anywhere from six months to two or more years to correct your smile with braces.

What are the benefits of traditional metal braces?

As one of the most popular and affordable methods to straighten teeth, traditional braces are an effective solution for individuals struggling with a variety of orthodontic issues. Metal braces are durable and can withstand daily wear, chewing, and brushing by following the maintenance guidelines and diet restrictions recommended by your orthodontist. Unlike removable clear aligners, traditional braces are firmly planted to your teeth, so there is less worry about maintaining the effectiveness of your orthodontic care.

How do you care for your braces?

Caring for braces is a little different than your regular routine. Since food can get caught around the braces, it's important to brush after every meal. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to keep your teeth, brackets, and wires clean. Don't forget to floss! It's also important to be careful of very hard, crunchy or sticky foods as these can push on the braces and pop them off the teeth. Visit your orthodontist for regular follow-ups to ensure your teeth are adjusting properly and you'll be braces-free in no time.

Am I a good candidate for braces?

Metal braces are an excellent solution to a number of orthodontic issues. If your teeth are crowded, overlapped, gapped, or crooked, metal braces can restore your smile and shift your teeth back where they belong. Patients struggling with an overbite, crossbite, overjet, or open bite may also be great candidates for metal braces.

How much do braces cost?

The cost of metal braces is different for each patient. Factors that may affect the cost of your metal braces include the severity of your teeth misalignment, appointment and visits, insurance type, and more. The best way to find out how much you’ll pay for metal braces is to schedule a consultation with your orthodontist.


Get in touch to book your first visit

Whether you’re interested in scheduling a free consultation, have questions about our practice, or simply want to say hello — we’d love to hear from you!
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